Friday 17 October 2008

Evaluation of Preliminary Task

In this task we used all the shots we were asked to use, match on action was used when Ricky Mullins was going in and out of the boss' (Mr. Quick) office. Shot/ reverse shot was used durting all conversations betweem Ricky Mullins and the secretary and Ricky Mullins and Mr. Quick.
The framing we used and the mise - en - scene was appropriate and very effective because it made the school sixth form area and the classroom look like a real office environment and believeable to the audience.
Overall i thought the project went very well, but unfortunately our first 5 shots were wiped clean off the video recorder somehow, which was a big problem for us because it made our film much shorter than it should of been, the film beginning is very good or believeable. We would have filmed the 5 shots again, but we just didnt have enough time to do so.
This task has shown me how to edit a film on a laptop and add effects to it, also because we had a reasonable amount of time to edit the film, it gave a chance to improve our editting skills aswell.

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