Wednesday 29 April 2009

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

To be honest at first when my group and I were making this film opening we didn’t really think about or consider how we were representing certain social groups. However, when we watch the movie back over, we noticed a very interesting thing. We noticed that Chris (a black male) was doing a lot of the work on the street and getting his hand dirty, yet I (a white male) was doing hardly anything but taking the biggest cut of the profits. After noticing this Chris quoted lines from another movie saying “behind every big crime organisation is a rich white man, reaping most of the rewards” which in this instance was very true.
Another thing we noticed, was that women weren’t really represented as much as men in our opening. Jordan (our computer wiz secretary) wasn’t very keen on being on camera a lot, but didn’t mind doing a few shots. After looking over the movie though, we noticed she didn’t make an appearance till the end of the opening and also didn’t have any lines which is one thing we over looked.

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