Wednesday 29 April 2009

Q: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

Deciding to create a film opening based around a crime genre, we started brain storming ideas and decided the film would be about a robbery of a wealthy art dealer. Have decided this we started looking at films like Oceans 11, 12 & 13 and The Bank Job to get ideas about the forms and conventions a crime genre would convey.
Our product tried to follows some of the forms and conventions of these movies. Like Oceans 11 we used close up shots to show the facial expressions of the characters in different situations, we also used shot reverse shot to show conversations going on with in the movie and also to portray the relationship between certain characters e.g. the boss and his right hand man shaking hands in the meeting scene.
Long/ establishing shots are something we also used to set a certain mood and show the wealth of some of the characters. The long/ establishing shot of the big building (St. Dunstans college) at night with floor spot lights shining up on to the building gives the audience the impression that the building is one of the boss’ expensive mansions and also that it is private property, secluded from everything else.

The mid shot of Chris and I loading tools into a bag suggests to the audience that we are preparing for a heist. The up beat music, which we added to this scene raises the tempo of the film and prepares the audience for what is to come.
We used diegetic sound (e.g. dialogue, traffic etc.) to keep the continuity and the authenticity of the film and for conversations between characters in the scenes. We also included non – diegetic sound in our film to build the tempo and pace to fit what was happening on screen. We used non – dietetic for the soundtrack at the beginning of the film when the credits are rolling.
Throughout our film like Oceans 11 we kept continuity. We also used eye line match, mainly between the boss and his right hand man. In the shot, where the boss and his right hand man are the boss’ house, the boss in standing tall with good posture, where as the right hand man on the other hand, is slouched over a bit and looking down. This shows that the right hand man is either afraid/ ashamed of disappointing the boss, because the boss is angry with him which is why there is no eye line match. However, in the meeting scene, the boss is showing more respect to his right hand man because they are both at the same level at the table and eye line match is kept.
Fast pace cutting is something we also used, it raises the tempo of the film and creates suspense, excitement and tension where necessary. In this case it creates excitement for the audience and also makes it seem like the activities being done are being done over days/weeks e.g. shots of collecting tools, bomb making, Chris loading gun etc.
Mise – en – scene is something we had to look at in great detail for this type of genre; we based a lot of the ideas for this part around Oceans 11. Location was a key thing to out line for this film. The shot of the boss on the bridge in central London and the shot of Chris running up the road shows that the area is urban city/ working class environment.
The shot of the big building (St. Dunstans), however is something we spent a lot of time discussing .We took the idea from the meeting scene in Oceans 11, being at a mansion and decided to change it just a bit. By showing the outside of the building to be something amazing and expensive, but then have the meeting in a grotty boiler room suggests to the audience that the meeting is going to be about something dodgy and needs to be done in a secretive place.
Costumes were also an important part because each character needed to portray a different attitude and connotation. Chris (the right hand man) needed to wear casual, normal clothes because he is someone on the street, so he needs to blend in and look like he belongs there. Jordan (the secretary/ computer wiz) had to dress quite smart (office wear) because she was supposed to be a professional career woman, a brilliant computer wiz who is working as a secretary for a big business. Myself (the boss), however had to dress in different types of costumes, both had to be smart looking, but one was formal, one was more casual. In the scene between Chris and myself at my house, I had to dress in an expensive suit to show the audience (since it is the 1st time they meet this character) that I am the boss of the whole gang. After ensuring the audience knew that my costume choice changed to a smarter casual look, which is shown on the bridge, meeting scene and gathering tool etc; still showing the expensive makes of clothes I wore e.g. Prada, Dolce & Gabana.

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