Wednesday 29 April 2009

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We used many technological devices throughout the creating of this film. We used they computer for the majority of our planning. We used it Google, wikipedia and IMBD to research films like oceans 11, to find out some background information on the film, the techniques used, locations chosen and why etc. we also researched some film companies that would possible be interested in distributing our film like Vertigo film.
The camera was another technological device that got constant uses through the filming of the opening. We varied our zooms, angles and types of holds e.g. we used a hand held shot for the opening scene of the movie to make it feel as if it was the audience themselves running up the street
Editing, once again being done on the computer, enabled us to use many different technologies. We used the U lead program to upload our movie, so that we could sequence/ order it correcting, once we had done that we used cutting to get rid of any unwanted scene & cut down the movie time. We introduced transition such as a fade to show the movie on of time for example. We also added non diegetic sound for the sound track and to build the tempo of the film up in certain parts. Finally we added captions like the credits at the beginning of the film to show who the actors were an the name of the film. Overall I learnt a lot from using these technologies an improved my editing techniques immensely

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