Saturday 3 April 2010

Audience feedback of ideas

Our first idea - the horror/ comedy (hybrid), similar to films like Scary movie 1 -4, Scream, Epic movie; received useful audience feedback from a sixth form Sociology class, aged 17 – 19 (the target audience age group for this type of genre). All the students agreed that the film idea itself was quite a good idea, however compared to the second idea we pitched them, the first lacked quite a lot of detail and they thought that as a group we seemed less interested and enthusiastic about the idea. We then decided a group meeting needed to be called and after discussing our feeling about the idea, we realised that our audience feedback was right and that either an improvement of the idea or a new idea needed to take place. After brainstorming for a couple of hours as a group, we came up with a new idea that we we’re enthusiastic and happy to continue with and would overall succeed more in making our teaser trailer.

Our second idea - the crime, drama, thriller and romance (hybrid), similar to films and television programmes like The Sopranos, Chicago, The Real Hustle and Charley’s angels. For this idea we asked a group of sixth formers (as they would be the target audience for this film) in the common room to hear our idea and give us their views on it and how it could be improved. They all agreed that they really liked the idea and would go and watch it in the cinema, as the genre type applied to all of them (both men and women) and that the change of convention of the criminal as being women instead of men was a good change. They also thought that the women characters should be from different races and ethnic backgrounds to show how it applies and appeals to a wider audience.

Our third idea was also along the genre of crime. We decided on a gangster based film that would have been set in 1960’s America similar to such films like The Godfather 1-3 and Goodfellars. After asking a fellow media group to view and assess our idea, they agreed that it was too similar to films like the Godfather 1-3 and Goodfellars and even though it wasn’t a bad idea, they thought it would be impossible for our film idea to hit the high expectations set by the Godfather and Goodfellars.

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