Sunday 25 April 2010

During the editing process

In order to edit our work, we first had to upload all the shots we had filmed on to the laptop provided for us. Once we did this, we then used the cutting tool to delete footage that either went wrong or we decided not to use. We also used this tool to clean up and also break up and separate shots. After all the shots were cut down and placed in order, we called a group meeting to discuss what we felt about how the film looked and what could be done to improve our project.
We as a group decided (with the help from some constructive criticism from our fellow media group) that out trailer was too long and that some of our shots were wasteful and didn’t have much of an impact on our audience/ film or apply to our film. After discussing alternative shots we could do/ use, we went out and spent time filming shots that we felt would be more beneficial to our project and would have more of an impact on our project and therefore would cause our trailer to appeal more to our audience.
We uploaded, cut our shots down and viewed our final sequence. We then decided through some audience feedback from Chris Ogori that we should add a slow motion effect to the majority of our shots to help build tension, suspense and to set a mood of seduction, sophistication and deceit for our target audience.
We as a group decided that our teaser trailer would only have background music for sound to back up those suggested themes of seduction, sophistication and deceit. However, since we were unable to take any normal song/ piece of music due to copy right issues, we had to create our own piece of music. We agreed that the music should be soft and start off at a slow pace to show the characters as innocent and harmless when the audience is initially introduced to them. Then as the trailer progresses and more violence and danger is shown the music quickens and gets louder to try to raise suspense, tension and keep the audience engaged.
As editing can physically only be done by one person, whilst one member of our group would do the editing, the other two started on the second part of our project by starting to research and design possible front covers for our magazine and film posters of our film.

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