Saturday 3 April 2010

Film and Teaser Trailer Ideas

We found coming up with ideas quite hard. However, after discussing what each of us would like our films to contain we managed to come up with the two ideas.
> Our first idea was a horror/ comedy (hybrid), similar to films like Scary movie 1 -4, Scream, Epic movie. However, after getting some audience feedback from a Sociology class of sixth formers, aged 17 – 19 (the target audience age group for this type of genre). All the students agreed that the film idea itself was quite a good idea, however compared to the second idea we pitched them, the first lacked quite a lot of detail and they thought that as a group we seemed less interested and enthusiastic about the idea. We then decided a group meeting needed to be called and after discussing our feeling about the idea, we realised that our audience feedback was right and that either an improvement of the idea or a new idea needed to take place. After brainstorming for a couple of hours as a group, we came up with a new idea that we we’re enthusiastic and happy to continue with and would overall succeed more in making our teaser trailer.
> Our second idea is a crime, drama, thriller and romance hybrid, similar to films and television programmes like The Sopranos, Chicago, The Real Hustle and Charley’s angels. It would have been made by a major production, so we will be following the conventions of film that would have been made be companies like Universal, Paramount etc. This film is going to be aimed at a working class audience made up of both males and females, all races, ethnicities, religions and sexualities. The age range is going to be 15 -30 and will be aimed at the demographic groups C2 (skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders – blue collar), D (semi – skilled and unskilled manual workers) and E (unemployed, students, pensioners, casual workers) and the psychographic groups of Aspirers, Strugglers and Explorers. The unique selling point (USP) for this film is that the criminals are all women and the hybrid of genres is a different and unusual combination.
Film Idea
• Three women, different husbands who all work for the same company and are cheating on their wives with 3 different women
• The wives each find out by……
> Maria sees Jennifer’s husband kissing another women in a bar
> Kelly sees a text on her husbands phone from Jennifer’s husband about a woman he has on the side
> Jennifer sees Kelly’s husband coming out of a hotel holding hands with another woman while she is driving home at night
(They tell each other about their husband’s antics)
• All three women divorce and humiliate their husbands through different ways i.e. taking all the money out of their joint bank account, destroying the things the men love such as their cars, art work etc or publicly humiliating them in front of the whole neighbourhood

• The three women turn to a life of crime, working as a team and have a feminist view of men
• They start attracting men at bars, clubs etc. they sleep with them and then start thieving from them (stealing cars, wallets, jewellery etc) to humiliate them
• Kelly starts to fall in love with one of the men (who is one of the targets)
• She tries to leave the team, but Maria and Jennifer protest and kill the guy she loves
• Kelly is heartbroken and gets revenge on them by turning to the police and informing them of all three women’s crimes
• All three women end up in jail, with Maria and Jennifer serving a life sentence for killing the loved mark

Trailer Idea
• Slow motion
• Very slow calm music, which builds in to stronger music as the trailer progresses
• Conflicting images
> A shot of something innocent e.g. lipstick / a glove
> Something dangerous and deadly e.g. a gun/ a dead body

Our third idea was also along the genre of crime. We decided on a gangster based film that would have been set in 1960’s America similar to such films like the Godfather 1-3 and Goodfellars. It would also have been made by a major production, so we will be following the conventions of film that would have been made be companies like Universal, Paramount etc. This film is going to be aimed at a mainly white male working class audience made up of all religions and sexualities. The age range is going to be 15 -50 and will be aimed at the demographic groups C2 (skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders – blue collar), D (semi – skilled and unskilled manual workers) and E (unemployed, students, pensioners, casual workers) and the psychographic groups of Aspirers, Strugglers and Explorers.
Film Idea
• Rival gangster families.
• The story follows the Morretti family and their everyday crime sprees such as extortion, robberies etc
• The Flauzino Family Start to grow as a mobster family and begin to make their name known
• The Flauzino Family Start to move in on the Morretti family’s business and begin to cause blood between the two families to boil.
• As the Flauzino Family’s soldiers attempt to overtake the Morretti family’s bank robbery
• One of the Morretti family’s capo’s and 2 of their soldiers gets whacked and this causes a mob war
• The Morretti family attack and destroy the majority of the Flauzino Family’s business’

• The Morretti Family decide that destroying their business’ isn’t enough pay back and decide to eliminate the Flauzino Family for good by blowing up their base and wiping out all Flauzino Family followers
• The police decide enough is enough and attempt to get involved to stop this mob war before anymore civilians get hurt
• As the Morretti Family prepare to make their move they get a tip off about the massive police bust and decide a change of plan is in order
• The Morretti Family use their contacts and strike a deal with the police
• They call on the Flauzino Family to attack their business’, where the police lay waiting to arrest them all and also take down the highest ranked people in their family

Trailer Idea
• Slow motion
• Partially set in black and white, flashing back and forth from colour to black and white
• Slow and calm old fashioned music
• Images showing the hierarchy in the mobster family, images of murder, extortion, robbery, respect etc

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